Twitter announced that users reading pages will no longer automatically load new tweets
Twitter is updating its web platform to change the way users see new tweets. The social media giant will no longer refresh the timeline on the page with new tweets, and users can now decide when to load new tweets. Twitter admits that in the past, when the user's timeline was automatically refreshed, the timeline of previously read tweets tended to disappear during reading.Now, users can click on the tweet count bar at the top of their timeline to load new tweets when they want.In September, the company stated that it will introduce an update on the way it displays tweets so that the tweets will not disappear while users are still reading them. It’s worth pointing out that Twitter’s iOS and Android apps will not automatically refresh their timeline when users open the app. Instead, users can click the home button highlighted on the navigation bar to load a new tweet.Twitter also recently announced that after launching full-size image previews on mobile earlier this year, it will no longer automatically crop image previews on web pages. On Twitter's web page, the picture will now be displayed in full size without any cropping, so the picture will keep the original size.These adjustments are part of Twitter’s ongoing efforts to enhance the usability of the platform. The social media giant recently launched a feature that allows users to share a direct link to its space, allowing others to listen the live audio meeting without logging in to the platform via the internet. It also launched its premium subscription service Twitter Blue in the United States and New Zealand on Monday, which is another value-added service following its first launch in Canada and Australia earlier this year.