Mea is testing the new methods to provide users more autonomy on "New Feed"
According to Meta, the company is testing new methods that allow users to customize what they see in News Feeds recently. In a blog post published this Thursday, Meta stated that the test is currently only open to a “small number of” users. The new method will allow people to adjust their preferences, increasing or reducing the content on the platform from specific friends, family, groups and web pages.In the past few years, Facebook has repeatedly adjusted the presentation of News Feeds content, and seems to have been reflecting on which content should be prioritized and why it should be done.In 2015, Facebook was changing News Feeds to favor content from close friends rather than content from brands and publishers. In 2016, Facebook again stated that it would adjust its algorithm to make posts from friend before posts from publishers. Then in 2018, Facebook modified the News Feeds again, so that posts that might trigger "Controversial discussion" would be more likely to appear than the passive content.Then in 2020, Facebook adjusted its News Feed once again in order to support more trusted and quality news sources. However, it withdrew the "pretty" version of the News Feed in December 2020, which made some employees annoyed.How the social media giant controls News Feed is still largely a mystery, but Facebook released a report in September saying it will let the public know how it decides which content is suppressed, or "downgraded," such as pop-up ads and those repeated Posts that violate its rules.But now, users participating in the new test will be able to lower the content from friends, family, pages, and groups in their News Feed if they want. Meta said in the blog that "This is part of our ongoing work to give people more control over the News Feed so they can see more of what they want and reduce what they don't want."