OS :
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Size :400.00Mb
Updated :Dec 2,2022
Developer :UCWeb Mobile Private Limited
Ask AI
You can ask the AI some questions about the app
Based on the app's description, here are three topics that users might discuss on the internet, with 20-word questions for each: 1. Is the app's AI-powered search feature effective in locating goods and services in the Chinese market? 2. How well does the app's product recommendation algorithm cater to individual user preferences and purchasing habits? 3. Can the app's price comparison function help users find the best deals and discounts on popular Chinese products?
Q{{(index+1)}}{{item}}Ask AI
Pros and Cons from users' feedback
Based on the users' reviews of the app, I've summarized the pros and cons as follows: **Cons:** 1. **Limited functionality**: Users find the app's capabilities restricting, lacking in features and functionality. 2. **Cluttered UI**: Some users experience difficulty navigating the app due to cluttered layout and poor organization. 3. **Poor customer support**: Users report frustrating experiences with customer support, citing unhelpful responses and delays. **Pros:** 1. **Easy to use**: Many users appreciate the app's simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible to new users. 2. **Helpful features**: Users find certain features, such as reminders and notification systems, helpful in managing their children's schedules. 3. **Reliable performance**: The app is often praised for its stability and performance, rarely experiencing glitches or errors.
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夸克,智能搜索的先行者,提供极速精准的搜索体验、大空间不限速网盘服务、AI相机高清扫描工具。搜索,就该更好的! 1.AI引擎: 【智能预测】云端预加载页面集,搜索结果快速展现。 【搜索直达】预判前置结果,问题问一半,就已出答案。 【精准答案】全面重新设计所有结果展现样式,部分问题答案准确命中。 2.夸克网盘: 【超大空间】会员6TB大空间,蓝光电影、个人资料任性存储。 【上传下载不限速】普通用户也能享受流畅传输服务。 【自动备份】照片、视频不丢失,携手阿里云服务,全方位保护数据安全。 【在线播放】视频5倍速,原画画质,投屏看片。 【文档工具】一键解压缩、PDF一键转Word。 【多端随时看】手机/电脑/平板都能用,随时随地处理查看更方便。 3.AI相机: 【识图辨物】拍照识万物,随手识别植物、动物、商品等。 【提取文字】提取图片中的文字,方便复制和导出多种格式。 【拍照翻译】即拍即译,一键翻译整张图片。 4.夸克壁纸:单一壁纸太乏味?新增自动轮播壁纸,让你的屏幕每天都换上“新衣服” 如果你觉得夸克很好用,请向身边的人推荐我们,非常感谢!如果你在使用产品过程遇到了任何问题与需要我们协助,请发送邮件到kksupport@service.alibaba.com,我们将尽快处理! 欢迎反馈: -软件反馈:设置->意见反馈 -官方网站:http://www.myquark.cn -新浪微博:@夸克APP -QQ反馈群: 711698552 ********************* 对于iOS10 中无法联网的用户(是已知的iOS10的系统Bug) 可以到 设置 --> 蜂窝移动网络 --> 使用无线局域网与蜂窝移动的应用中,修改任何一个App 的联网权限,然后重新打开夸克即可解决。 ================================================================= 自动续费规则 1.用户协议 https://broccoli.uc.cn/apps/quark_icloud_pay/routes/service_help?uc_param_str=dsdnfrpfbivesscpgimibtbmnijblauputogpintnwktprchmt&uc_biz_str=S%3Acustom|C%3Atitlebar_hover_2 2.隐私条款 https://broccoli.uc.cn/apps/quark_icloud_pay/routes/ds3xXrRmi?uc_param_str=dsdnfrpfbivesscpgimibtbmnijblauputogpintnwktprchmt&uc_biz_str=S%3Acustom|C%3Atitlebar_hover_2 3.网盘会员连续订阅服务有以下产品: 订阅周期: a、20元/1个月;20CNY/1 month b、58元/3个月;58CNY/3 month c、198元/12个月;198CNY/12 month 4.订阅网盘会员服务会通过iTunes账户直接支付 5.在订阅服务到期前24小时,系统将按订购类型进行自动续订和扣除相应费用 6.如需关闭连续包月服务,请至少提前24小时在“账户设置”中进行操作 =============================================== 用户开通会员能获得哪些便捷之处 1. 容量为6T 2. 高速下载网盘文件通道 3. 高速播放视频通道 4. 视频高清播放 5. 支持上传单文件
Comments (1)
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  • {{comment.commentUser.substring(0, 1)}}
    By {{comment.commentUser}}{{comment.commentDateString}}
  • L
    By LumosLApr 21,2022
    The devs must think they are so smart not knowing what a huge chunk of trash they’ve created